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Meenakshi Reddy Madhavan: 'Men believe women always wear sexy underwear'

Here is what Meenakshi Reddy Madhavan, sensational blogger who writes at The Compulsive Confessor, says in her new book ‘You are here’:
IT WAS HOT, VERY hot. Actually ‘hot’ is probably not the right word to describe that day. It was muggy, the way only Delhi can be muggy, weighed down by the kind of oppressive sultriness that makes your clothes stick to your skin and no matter how many times you bathe a fine film of sweat gathers in your armpits and your cleavage and at your neck, and everyone and everything becomes unbearable…. More

Guys n Galz, comment. What do you think?

Meenakshi Reddy Madhavan who blogs at The Compulsive Confessor

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