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Sri Sri Ravishankar on Raksha Bandhan

Golden Moments Of A Blissful Sharing.. Raksha Bandhan

Dear friends, Wish you a very happy Rakhsa Bandhan. Here is what my guru Sri Sri

Ravishankar’s wisdom

“This full moon is dedicated to the seers — the rishis. It is also called the raksha bandhan.

Bandhan means bondage, raksha means protection. A bondage that protects you.

Your bondage to the knowledge, to the master, to the truth, To The Self, All Saves You. A Rope Can Be Tied To Either Protect Or Strangle You. The Small Mind And Mundane Things can strangle you. The big mind or knowledge saves you. Raksha bandhan is that bondage that saves you.

You are bound by your bondage to the Satsang. Your bondage to the master, to the truth, to the ancient knowledge of the Rishis is your savior.

Bonding is essential in life. And let the bonding be divine in a life free from bondage.”

Question: Who is an atheist?

Sri Sri Ravishankar: One who has a concept of God.

Question: What is peace?

Sri Sri Ravishankar: Undivided mind.

Live Webcast: Shraddhanjali (prayer meeting) for Acharya Sri Ratnanandaji, Sri Sri Ravishankar's father

Tears roll down my eyes as I think about Acharya Sri Ratnanandaji, a humanitarian, who has gifted the world our beloved Guru Sri Sri Ravishankar, a great man who has made this planet a better place to live in.

The ART OF LIVING family in obeisance, expresses its sincere gratitude to Pujya Pitaji for his selfless service and his gift of Gurudev to us.

He was a true Gandhian and joined the freedom movement.

A scholar, educationist and social worker, he served tirelessly for woman empowerment and education. He dedicated his life to service.  

He remains our eternal inspiration.

Join the prayer meeting for Pitaji at the Art of Living International Center, Bangalore at 6:30 pm (Indian Standard Time) on June 9.

You can watch the webcast on

Here are some news links:
Deccan Herald: Sri Sri’s father passes away
Times of India: Sri Sri bereaved

DNA: Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s father dies

Kanak Sri Hall, Mumbai launched website

Kanak Sri Party and Marriage Hall, Kandivali, Mumbai has launched its new website Kanak Sri Hall is one of the best marriage halls in Bombay. Kanak Sri Hall also serves as an Art of Living Center with weekly long Sudarshan Kriya, Satsangs etc happening there. It is a hub of Art of Living activities in Kandivali. Latest news and events etc are announced on Kanak Sri Marriage Hall’s blog Check the site for the latest announcements.

Kanak Sri Hall’s map in Kandivali.

Nobel Prize 2010!

Nobel prize 2010: who will get it? Peace medal

Hmm, Nobel prize 2010! Well, here I am talking particularly about the Nobel Peace Prize, which is most coveted, controversial and is considered to be very prestigious. Internet is a Nobel Peace Prize candidate as proposed by wired magazine. Now a days Michael Jackson is proposed by many as a candidate for Nobel 2010. Well, presently I have no comments on it other than it seems that his fans are showing their “sympathy” and “loyalty” to the pop legend though the “sudden death”, “sympathy” and “loyalty” of some people are no criteria for his entitlement for the Prize. This is very similar to the mass mania of the ignorant people and selfish politicians that Y. S. Jagan should be made chief minister of Andhra Pradesh (An Indian state with population of 80 million people), just to show their sympathy and loyalty (and of course to gain their ulterior political motives) because his father Y. S. Rajasekhar Reddy died of air crash. How foolish and degraded – intellectually and ethically – people can be!
They wanted to give the leadership of 8 crore (80 million) people to to a 35 old years guy, who had had hardly, 2-3 months experience as a politician just because his father died! What kind of democracy is this? Or is it a dynasty???? Anyways that foolish issue is over now due to mature handling of it by Congress high command.
Moreover  The Norwegian Nobel Committee (Nobel peace prize committee) does not award the prize posthumously. To digress a bit, even Mahatma Gandhi, the most deserved candidate for the Prize, was no exception to this rule though the committee seriously considered to award him the Nobel Peace Prize 1948 for him after his murder by Nathu Ram Godse. Mahatma Gandhi proved to the world that you can “fight” successfully through innovative approach of “nonviolence”. Well it required tremendous spiritual strength and will power to achieve that and it may not always work out. Otherwise we don’t need armies, police etc at all! As our ancient scriptures say, we need to employ all the means –  Sama, Dana, Bheda and Dand to achieve our rightful.
Then there are long time claims by Art of Living and its followers that Sri Sri Ravishankar deserves Nobel Prize. He has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize at least 4-5 times now. I will write an elaborate article on He deserves the Nobel Prize, later, on my Art of Living Blog.
Well, we need to wait for about one more year to see who will get the coveted Nobel Peace Prize.