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Rang De Basanthi could be inevitable

With the current situation in India a Rang De Basanthi could be inevitable to rid the system of its evils.

Here is an interesting conversation between me and my friends on the present anti-corruption movement in India.
 Roshan D’Silva Really ridiculous what is happening in India. Whatever nonsense the baba was upto the government has clearly over reacted and behaved stupidly.
June 5 at 7:01am via iPhone ·

Krishna Reddy Dude, I feel that we surely need a 2nd independence war (It could be of a Rang De Basanti type.. we need not only Gandhis now but also Bhagat Singhs and Netajis) to cleanse the Indian society, political system, legal system, bureaucracy etc from corruption, red tape in order to enjoy a true independent and happy and prosperous India. Peace alone is not a solution. We probably need some rebels and RDB kinda revolutions and complete reorganization of some of the systems – political, legal, education, social etc – for a faster growth in India. I think that this change is inevitable and imminent. What do you say? Pl check one of my previous posts n share your opinion.. 
June 5 at 10:35am

Pratik Das Agree with you, Roshan – the planned protest was excessively dramatised and disingenuous. Nevertheless, this Congress led government has no legs to stand on. The growth of the Indian economy has been surpassed only by the growth of corruption and there seems to be no lack of imagination in the scale or scope of corruption either. I was a huge fan of Dr. Manmonhan Singh but this coalition government has paraded the flaws in the Indian democratic system – that one good apple in a basket full of rotten fruit is no delight to behold.
June 5 at 12:16pm

Pratik Das: Until very recently I’d never heard of a lakh crore in the media, although I’m sure many Indian governments have had projects of that scale. The first I came to hear of it was in the context of the telecom scandal. 
June 5 at 12:17pm

Pratik Das: Krishna, I admire your passion, but I’d urge you to ponder over something. The collective efforts of so many Indian heroes steered India to independence and, despite the subsequent civil riots, wars, insurgency and the Emergency, their efforts conceded to the Constitution every time. Yet, the foundation of morals and behaviours which rallied the nation was slowly but surely forgotten to give way to corruption before that leading generation had even faded away. What went wrong? If another revolution were to happen, what would keep corruption from taking root once more? What really needs to change?
June 5 at 12:51pm

Krishna Reddy: @pratik, I agree with you.. Yess! we need to ponder on this and analyze the past & learn from it lest the system fails again. Here I am using revolution in a broader sense that includes the ones like we witnessed in the past – green revolution, economic revolution of early 90’s, internet n telecom revolution of late 90’s, dotcom bust to name a few. I forecast we will witness a few revolutions soon, probably, in a much larger scale – most of them for good. A revolution has already started (by Anna Hazare, Sri Sri Ravishankar, Kiran Bedi etc with active or indirect support of most of us) and it had to start.. the time has ripened. When a system reaches a collapsing point, drastic changes will happen in it or the system will vanish. I think we have reached that point now. People now think that enough is enough and no more. It is at this kind of time that massive revolutions happen as history tells.. it might lead to great upheavals resulting in completely different – political, legal, education, cultural, religious, scientific, technological
, power generation etc – systems. I believe this is bound to happen in near future.. we could witness massive change(s) (whether we call it revolution(s) or something else) in 2 to 8 years from now. As you said Yes, we all, collectively as a people, need to ponder what needs to be changed and how. All of us could be part of this change….
June 5 at 6:16pm

We must fight injustice in India

Enough is enough! We need a second independence war in India now

I am feeling intensely angry, frustrated and helpless…. frustrated over Indian legal system, corruption unethicalness in police, government administration politics and general public. We are extremely helpless about the incompetence, inefficiency, ineffectiveness, red tape and unnecessary delays (and then expecting and forcing us, the hapless citizens, to respect and follow “Honorable” judges’ orders and (dis)”Honorable” courts without caring for your convenience of dates, for delivering justice.). Many judges autocratically misuse their “authority” by simply dictating and forcing you to attend at a date of their choice without caring for your request for an alternative date. Most of the court work is wasted just to give you “another” date.. but you are forced to attend the court “hearing” where they give you very little time.. just a few seconds to few minutes every time; so wasting your valuable time, money, efforts leaving behind your urgent appointments, meetings etc. A very small, minor and trivial civil problem that could be easily sorted out just in 2-3 hours of logical, legal and clear discussion/questioning/counseling are enough in most cases. But such a trivial case typically takes 3 -10 years to receive final judgment, and at the end, there is no guarantee for for justice.. due to inefficiency, red tapism (and judicial corruption in some cases). There are false matrimonial (divorce) cases that have run for more than 15 years only to be dismissed or granted, in which case the justice is no longer relevant and it is not justice any more, some times when the couple’s ages will be over 50-60 years! So when the legal system and judiciary are so inefficient why should we, hapless citizens, respect and follow such an anarchic legal system? India needs a massive revolution.. a second independent war. The only beneficiaries in the case are your incompetent lawyers who will have brought a plush flat from the legal fee you pay them for lying, cheating, misleading, wrongly advising the clients, colluding with the opponent parties. Of course there are a few exceptions.. competent good, honest and sincere lawyers exist; but very few of them are there.. they are like an oasis in a desert; but their services are too costly for a common man to afford. Typically a judiciary which is supposed to handle 300 cases has 2000 cases. So the judges themselves acknowledge the such incompetency of the courts. Most of the cases are evidently false and illegal ones and they could be dismissed at the beginning itself so it will save the time of courts and the parties involved and avoid the agony caused and the victims could be saved from unnecessary agony. I have a few ideas and solutions to problems facing Indian legal system.. which I will share later. The problem is not just with legal system. It is with many other systems.
Solutions to the problems facing India
So what are the solutions for the problems facing India, the spiritual light of the world?
We must fight a second independent war.
Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
 The change happens from the ordinary citizens like you and I. 
India against corruption: Anna Hazare with Sri Sri Ravishankar, Kiran Bedi and Swami Agnivesh

Mahatma Gandhi in Dandi march.
Friends, please share your views/opinions/ideas/solutions to tackle this monstrous problem?